Sewing Training Center
Click on the brand or category that you are interested in!
If you purchased a machine from us and need the password for any of these brands call us at 307-234-4581 to get your password or email us at and access our library of video tutorials, workbooks, free patterns, and MORE to help inspire you and help you to create.
When you purchase a machine form us not only do you gain access to our knowledgeable staff, warranty services, and other benefits you also gain access to our digital training assets!
In the links below you will find file paths that lead to video tutorials, workbooks, creative ideas, free patterns, and MORE!

Elna Training
Instruction manuals and Elna training materials

Brother Training
Learn more about the Brother Scan & Cut machine, be inspired with creative Scan N Cut video projects, and MORE!

Janome Training
Instruction manuals and Janome training materials

Bernina Training
In these files view Bernina machine tutorials, workbooks, and exclusive Bernina patterns!
Machines include the 3 series, 5 series, 7 series, 8 series, Q series, and MORE!

Elna Training
Instruction manuals and Elna training materials

Elna Training
Instruction manuals and Elna training materials

Elna Training
Instruction manuals and Elna training materials
Free eBook
Free eBook with Dos and Don’ts of starting a business. Download this today!